Creation and example of a social media report

How do I create a social media report?

Your team takes great pains each time to communicate on the networks. It is then necessary to communicate the results to the client or his superiors. To make it easier for you, here is a social media report example which you will be in this article.

Such a report on social networks will allow you to go faster in your marketing process and to know precisely the adjustments to be made. We therefore invite you to discover through the content of this article, how to quickly establish a social media report unique and easy, and above all which tool is suitable for it.

What is a social media report?

It is first of all a document presenting relevant data relating to the activities that you carry out on social networks. The social media report lets you track all your stats in one place.

Whether it's a slide with analytics or a simple spreadsheet, the report gives you the information you need to improve your performance. Indeed, the information is provided to you taking into account the objective you have in view and the type of audience you are looking to target.

Example of a social media report

A sample social media report should include data, followed by analysis, needed to know exactly how you're performing on social media. So your team, your client or even you can use it easily. Your team needs a much more detailed report than your boss, and you need more detail on yours.

Therefore, it is essential that the report provided to you is presentable and easy to understand. The report should therefore not include unnecessary details and the data presented should be meaningful.

Here below is a example social media report provided by Datablaster, to help you create your report in a few clicks:

Full link to sample social media report

Example social media report

Moreover, you can use Datablaster to create unique reports, showing the data really useful to your target audience. Discover all report templates availables. 

How do I create a social media report?

As you already know, it is possible to create a social media report manually. However, this takes a lot of your time and does not guarantee that you can find the data you really need. It is to make your job easier and help you produce your report in one click that Datablaster was born. Before talking to you in detail about the tool, let's discover 5 key steps to set up an example social media report.

Step 1: Determine your audience

Determine who the report is for. You must have an accurate answer to this question before you consider producing a social media report.

Depending on the type of audience the report is intended for, you will know what data it needs to present to be truly relevant. A report for your boss should be much more concise than a report for your team or yourself.

Step 2: Focus on the essentials

You know the importance of social media in your marketing strategy to increase engagement, leads, sales, brand awareness and more. If a data does not present a major information, do not hesitate to include it in the report.
Do not hesitate to consult our article on setting up a community management report

Step 3: Gather your data

There are several sources that provide social data. It is therefore important to focus on the most relevant to unify your information. 

Step 4: Analyze your data

The data collected here and there does not represent much without any in-depth analysis. It is therefore mandatory to interpret them to identify trends, describe patterns and detect anomalies. This is how you will know what is working or not.

Step 5: Present your findings

The final document that you must present must contain concise, clear and easy to understand information. Said document will be an example social media report. 

Now it's time to discover the usefulness of Datablaster to produce an effective report quickly. 

Example of a social media report with Datablaster 

Now that you know what data and information your report should contain, let's talk about where you can easily find it.

Although it is possible to visit Facebook and Instagram separately, Datablaster is an effective tool that allows you to collect data and information from these two platforms in the same place and in just a few clicks.

Indeed, in order to be able to follow the metrics that interest you, you can customize the dashboard. Thus, it is up to you to choose what information will be included in your report document. Datablaster also offers you a wide variety of graphs showing your statistics in a much easier way.

In addition, you also have the option of sharing your reports with your collaborators directly through the application interface. If you wish to have your report in PDF or PowerPoint formats, you can simply download and share it.


As you have just seen through the content of this article, a social media report is a very precise and concise document that contains the most important data and information about the progress of your activities. It lets you know what worked, what didn't work and what needs to be adjusted.

In order to get your report at a glance with the data and information that is really useful to you, Datablaster is a very efficient and easy-to-use tool that you should consider using.

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