Create your marketing and organic reports in an instant.
Ready to be analyzed and sent to your customers. Fully automated.
14 day free trial. No card requested.
Your reports are ready. Cada dia. Automatically.
Datablaster automatically collects and synthesizes data from your advertising campaigns and social media pages.
What data does it work for?
Currently, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Facebook & Instagram Insights Pages, LinkedIn Page, LinkedIn Ads, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Ads data are available for automation. TikTok and Twitter in Beta.
All your data
The data of your different accounts, organized and accessible in one place. That's it share in one click
Several hours a day saved
Stop reporting manually. Stop navigating between your different accounts to analyze the results.
Templates made by experts
Our template library makes your life easier. Choose what you need during setup and let Datablaster do the rest.
Your automated reports ready to share.
Stop spending your time creating reports for each client. Set your reports with just a few clicks and they are updated daily.
Reports available in Google Data Studio and Google Sheets
Your customer reports are automatically generated in Google Sheets and Data Studio, the benchmark for marketing report sharing. You define which indicators you want to show, your customers only see what is useful to them.
Mix your different data
Data Studio reports let you combine all your data into a single report. Share a complete report with all the necessary information.
Make the right decisions, immediately.
Under Google Sheets, discover tailor-made reports for different types of campaigns (e-commerce, lead generation, traffic, etc.). Thanks to color codes, curves and key performance indicators, you will know at a glance what is going well and what is not going well in your campaigns.
More time saved for consultants.
Quick and easy decision-making.
Our advanced analytics templates help shed light on the performance of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads. We consulted experts to build these reports to save you valuable time. Whatever your field of activity, save time and make better decisions.
Don't let reporting get in the way.
Datablaster lets you focus on improving your performance and results, not organizing the data.
"We've saved a tremendous amount of time every day and across all ad accounts. Plus, our clients love the reports."
– Julien.P – Digital Agency
Ready to save time and money?
14-day trial offered, no payment information required.
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