Implementation of a community management report. Example and guide.

It is important that every specialist engaged in promotion on social networks knows how to make a community management report. This document makes it possible to evaluate the results of the work on the basis of indicators collected and presented visually.

However, the end of the month can quickly become a nightmare for a social media manager, as you have to prepare a detailed and accurate report on the work carried out. When there are many customers, it becomes a real headache.

Nevertheless, this work can be simplified and optimized automatically in order to devote little time to it and to focus on the analysis and improvement of the results.

The content of the social media report depends on the defined key tasks, but has a general structure. In this article, we will talk about the key indicators of a social media report, the structure of the report and why a community management report fully automated.

What is a community management report?

Un community management report is a document that shows the client the progress of the work done on social networks in a convenient and understandable form. The report allows you to objectively assess the business outcome of the collaboration. A competent report from a social media specialist contains key progress indicators for a certain period, conclusions and an action plan.

Why is it necessary?

The report helps the client see the real picture of what is happening in the communities. The parameters and key figures of the community management report are those that were included in the social media strategy at the start of the work. This is why the strategy is so important: it contains hard numbers and assumptions that we test to achieve the desired result.

What does a community management report look like?

The client receives the report from the social media specialist at the end of each reporting period, it can be sent as a PDF or available online on Google Sheets or Google DataStudio for example.
The document contains the following:

  • Goals and objectives set for the current reporting period
  • Main community statistics for the period
  • Content statistics
  • Targeted advertising statistics
  • Community audience data, subscriber comments
  • Engagement and interaction rate
  • Conclusions and action plan for the next reporting period

Let's take a closer look at each of the points.

1. Goals and objectives set for the current reporting period

Goals and objectives come from the social media strategy and are developed individually for each client, based on their business goals, niche and marketing budget. Examples of goals and objectives: 

  • "Multiply by 2 the engagement on the brand's Instagram account", 
  • “Reduce the cost of a click/application”, 
  • “Multiply by 3 the number of brand audiences”. 

The community management report analyzes the result of these objectives over a given period to monitor progress.

2. Main Community statistics for the period

This is a part where the main figures are collected from the previous reporting period to the current reporting period.

For example: the number of subscribers of the account on June 30 is 6000, the number of subscribers on July 30 is 6100. Unsubscribes: -50. Growth: +100 per month. Net growth: +50 subscribers. Advertising expenses to increase the number of subscribers by €40. Cost per subscriber: €0,4. It's 30% cheaper than the previous month.

What indicators can be taken into account? 

It all depends on the social media strategy. The most common KPIs in the community management report of a social media specialist are:

  • the number of subscribers;
  • audience metrics (organic and/or paid);
  • the ratio of audience involvement in the content. The calculation is based on the likes, comments, reposts, saves received;
  • the number of clicks;
  • the total reach of the page;
  • total page impressions.

Example of a community management report

3. Content Statistics

In this part of the community management report, the analysis of the best and worst posts is made. These conclusions are based on the coverage of the post, as well as the number of likes, comments, reposts and saves collected. Which topics have been commented on the most? Which posts got the most likes and saves? 

Instagram community management post report

4. Targeted Advertising Statistics

Here, the effectiveness of paid promotion is analyzed to determine the channels and tools used. How much was spent, what is received, what is the cost of an application, what percentage of targeted applications?

5. Community audience data, subscriber feedback

Internal statistics provide understandable figures on the socio-demographic profile of the community audience. Information such as: what is the gender, age of our audience, where they live. This block of the social media specialist's report also includes screenshots with comments and requests from the public during this reporting period. 

Indeed, this allows the client to analyze audience feedback: on what subjects did subscribers contact the brand most often on social networks, what percentage of positive/neutral/negative comments, etc.

6. Conclusions and action plan for the next reporting period

Finally, there is a brief summary based on the figures from the reference period: what worked well closer to the objectives, and what can be improved. The report must contain a work plan for the following month: new hypotheses to be tested, new approaches and work mechanics.

For example “We saw a 50% increase in video engagement compared to last month. So it looks like the videos are getting better and better, we're going to produce more of them." As a result, the next social media report should conclude whether this assumption worked.

Why do a community management report with Datablaster?

To prepare a report, it is necessary to process large amounts of data. tools like Datablaster, for collecting analytics and automatically preparing reports help to cope with this task more easily.

Indeed, Datablaster harvest and automatically synthesizes data from your various social networks to format and summarize them in one place. In your personal account, you can fully customize the report by selecting only the necessary data. Works with all major metrics: engagement, visit statistics and ad conversion calculation, and other metrics. Reports are ready to use, downloadable and viewable from any device. 

For example, this report includes the Facebook and Instagram posts of a page with all the associated indicators. It includes an automatic calculation of the post engagement rate and the community.

You can realize your reports in Google Sheets or in Data Studio, depending on your habits. These two media allow you to produce PDFs and you can automate the sending of the report to Data Studio.

It works with the most popular social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Based on the received data, you can generate personalized community management reports and automatically share them to your customers or superiors.

Community management report: conclusion 

A competent social media report collects key metrics for the project, content analysis and audience feedback, paid promotion analysis, conclusions and recommendations for the next month. The report helps the client to get an idea of ​​what is happening and the specialist to adjust his action plan to achieve the objectives of the social media strategy.

With Datablaster, finished navigating through your different accounts to analyze the results. Do manual reporting and save many hours a day with a community management report ready to be analyzed and sent to your customers. 

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