
Welcome to the Datablaster Resource Center.

Installation and user guides

Our different modules guide you step by step to master and operate Datablaster with confidence.

First connection and setup

Follow 4 simple steps to connect your data and access reports. 

1. Authenticate with Google

Click the “Authenticate with Google” button and follow Google’s instructions.

Note: the Datablaster application has been verified and validated by Google.
Be careful to identify yourself with the Google account that will host the Google Sheets report.


2. Authenticate with Facebook

Click the “Authenticate with Facebook” button and follow Facebook’s instructions.

Note: the Datablaster application has been verified and validated by Facebook.
Be careful to identify yourself with the manager profile of the target advertising account(s).


3. Retrieve and identify the Google Sheet template

Recover him Google Sheet via this link. Click on “File” and create a copy in your Google account.

Open the copy.
Select the ID of the sheet you copied.
For example :

L’ID est « 1Ih2E3CDp8oWte4xwg5M9RFPC5yhcFo2wy5xKiBBS8gU » dans cette exemple.

Fill in the ID in the “Sheet id” section


4. Facebook Ad Account ID


 In your Facebook Advertising Account (Business Manager), find your advertising account ID.

You can copy and paste it into “ Business Settings", in the account's advertising accounts.


You can also copy it from your advertising manager.

Fill in the target advertising account number in “Add Account ID”

Warning, fill in the form act_xxx. Don't forget "act_" in front of the ID.


Your account is now set up.


First use

Your data will be accessible the next day.



The data is refreshed in your dashboard and the associated Google Sheets every 24 hours between midnight and 1 a.m.

When you first connect and after setting up, the data is not imported automatically.

Forced refresh

In "Dashboard", you can use the "refresh data" button to force the data on this first use, this is the only use case for this button and it is not useful afterwards.

Be careful, if your account has too much data the refresh may only be partial and you will still have to wait until the next day.

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